Laptop Friendly

Don't wanna pay extra for the mobile check-in app?

Don’t wanna pay extra for the mobile check-in app? With the TicketTerra Mobile Check-In Feature you can check-in attendees fast and effortlessly. Search by ticket purchaser or attendee name, ticket ID and ticket status. You can also check-in attendees using a standard barcode scanning device* and a computer.

*scanning device will cost extra but may also be available for lease per event


Additional Features:

Web Portal

The TicketTerra mobile U/X ready web portal has everything you need to list your events and sell tickets.

Eco Friendly

Want to make your events more eco friendly? With TicketTerra, you can make your events totally green.

Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing is a form of social media marketing involving endorsements and product placements from influencers.

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